
Journal Question #3

In my country, Japan, usually do not grave any words that is written in memory of the person buried there. However, some people want to have unique grave. I also want to have a unique grave that is written words. I want to have written that "I was the most freedom person ever". Why I want to be written in my grave? First, the words look not nice, and I don't want to be written bad words in my grave. But this is what I want to be in the future. I want to do what I want, and I don't want to excuse in my life. Sometimes I did what I don't want, but it is easier way. If I was said that I should be a teacher and I would be a teacher that I don't want to be, I can excuse and complain all the time. But I cannot complain when I would be that I wanted. It is harder, but bracing. Moreover, it is the sign of my intention that I want to decide by myself. Some people want to decide someone who is important for them, such as their mother and their friends. They ask about their future plan and influenced a lot. I think it is good thing to listen many people's opinion. But I want to decide by myself eventhogh I ask someone about my future plans or problems. I also don't want to excuse mycelf. That is why I want to be written that I was feedom person. Freedom person sounds irresponsibility person, but I want to live responsibly, and think by myself.

1 件のコメント:

  1. Freedom is a good thing, it doesn't really imply irresponsible here. This country is founded on "freedom" so, Americans can really appreciate what you mean.
